Helping you take the guesswork out of planning Call Now 631-345-4000 (24 hours/7 days)
Below are some typical examples of services and costs that our funeral home offers. These are just examples - our staff is able to arrange any type of service that you feel will commemorate your loved one the best. Please do not hesitate to call on us at any time with questions.
Simply Cremation (Just the 'essentials') Starting at $1695
Visitation 5 people Max for 45 minutes before cremation to say goodbye $1975.00
Staff Services and related supervision
Local transportation from place of death to funeral facility (Local is defined as Nassau County and Western/Central Suffolk County)
Alternative Container for Cremation
Securing and Filing of the Death Certificate and other authorizations
Transportation to the Crematory (No family attending)
Includes Standard Crematory Fee (under 300 lbs)
25 laminated prayer(also known as memorial) cards
2 Certified copies of the Death Certificate
Obituary page on our website
Simple Urn included
Cremation followed by Memorial Services Starting at $3495
Cremation happens first. Includes a 2 hour memorial service at our facility with the ashes present.
Staff Services and Supervision
Local transportation from place of death to funeral facility (Local is defined as Nassau County and Western/Central Suffolk County)
Alternative Container for Cremation
Securing and Filing of the Death Certificate and other authorizations
Transportation to the Crematory (No family attending)
Includes Standard Crematory Fee (under 300 lbs)
2 Hour Memorial Visitation
100 laminated prayer cards
50 Acknowledgement Cards
Register Book
Tribute Video
Obituary page on our Website
2 Certified Copies of the Death Certificates
2 Hour Visitation with Private Cremation Starting at $5495 or Family Attending Crematory Starting at $5995
2 hour open casket visitation, followed by a private cremation, Does NOT include crematory or cemetery fees.
Staff Services and Supervision
Local transportation from place of death to funeral facility (Local is defined as Nassau County and Western/Central Suffolk County)
Embalming for open casket visitation
Dressing, casketing and Cosmetology
Poplar Veneer casket with comfortable crepe interior
2 hours of Visitation (your choice of morning, afternoon, or evening)
Securing and Filing of the Death Certificate and other authorizations
Basic Transportation to the Crematory (No family attending)
100 Laminated Prayer Cards
50 Acknowledgement Cards
Register Book
Tribute Video
Obituary Page on our Website
2 Certified Copies of the Death Certificate
Simple Urn included
4 hours Visitation with Services Same Day or Next Day Starting at $6495
4 hour open casket visitation, choice of 2-4 & 7-9 pm or 4-8 pm. Does NOT include crematory or cemetery fees.
Staff Services and Supervision
Local transportation from place of death to funeral facility (Local is defined as Nassau County and Western/Central Suffolk County)
Embalming for open casket visitation
Dressing, Casketing and Cosmetology
Choice of a poplar veneer (elegant simple wood) or a 20 gauge steel non-gasketed (metal) casket
4 hours of Visitation
Securing and Filing of the Death Certificate and other authorizations
Hearse for transportation to place of final disposition
100 Laminated Prayer Cards
50 Acknowledgement Cards
Register Book
Tribute Video
Obituary Page on our Website
2 Certified Copies of the Death Certificate
Common additional costs that may be selected in addition to the above
Extra certified copies of the death certificate (NYS charges $10 each, NYC charges $15 per Death Certificate)